Wednesday, November 11, 2009

David Crowder and Christmas Shopping

This past weekend Peter and I ventured to Lancaster, PA for a David Crowder Band concert and to do some Christmas shopping at the outlets. The concert was AMAZING!! We both absolutely loved it. We especially loved how they turned it into a huge worship service by having everyone sing along. The music was loud and heavenly to get lost in. For $20 a ticket, we'd love to go again. Unfortunately, they are sold out near Pittsburgh. We took our camera, but I forgot it at the hotel. I was super bummed because I wanted to record some of the songs. I used Peter's iPhone, but with the bass, etc. it didn't come out too well.

It was great to have Monday off and walk around the outlets in the beautiful fall weather. Much, much better than being at work! Peter and I have both been having frustrating times at work lately so the extra day off and extra time together was very nice. We got a few people checked off our Christmas lists and the 20% off coupons for each purchase we made came in quite handy!

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