Sunday, October 7, 2012

Baby Olivia

Olivia Marie Bevan made her debut a little earlier than expected!  I can't wait to meet her!  

There are some pictures that my family has sent me so far...

Big brother, Christian, holding her:

Precious little girl :)

Proud daddy:  (PS I can't believe Mark is a daddy!)

I took off on Friday and Peter worked remotely so that we could head over and help with Olivia's nursery.  Since she was early, Mark and Jackie weren't quite ready for her.  Olivia had to be taken to Johnstown for a few days due to her early arrival, but she was due to come home this weekend if all went well.

My mom, dad, and I spent a lot of time fixing up the room.  Jackie's family had already helped with painting it so that it was ready for the "finishing touches".  Her mom also washed and dried all the clothes and bedding so we could all work together to have a a great place for Olivia to come home to!  All of the items in her room are just so cute and precious.    Here's some pictures of what we were able to do.

The rocking chair in the corner is from Jackie's dad's family.  I love that it was so old and passed down.  There were some discussions about painting it or not, but her dad didn't want it painted I believe, so I just cleaned it all up and figured if Jackie wanted it painted later, then she could easily do it.  The white dresser is actually one that my siblings have had at random times.  Mark had it at one point supposedly and then I remember it being in Ashley's room when she was younger.  Again, nice to have family pieces in the nursery.  :)

We didn't have a crib mattress and some other things so we had to leave at one point and go back later. I wanted to snap a picture of the crib though, even if it wasn't finished setting up.  My dad and I put the crib together earlier in the day.

The decals that Jackie bought were just adorable.  We couldn't really hang them on the walls since they weren't smooth so I used the door to her room.  Later, when we went back with Ashley, Ash had great ideas for putting them on the closet doors and on the baseboards.  :)

One last picture at night once we had all the shelves up and some picture frames around.  I actually even printed a few shots of Olivia to put in the frames.  I didn't have many and they can always change them out, but I figured it was better than coming back to empty frames.  :)

On Saturday, we went to the Bedford Fall Festival since the room was all done.  But, I was soooo happy that before we had to head back home to Pittsburgh that we were able to meet this precious little angel.  She is SO TINY!!

Proud Aunt!

Look how tiny she is against Mark.  I love it!

Pap holding his first granddaughter. :)

Some more random pictures I was sent of Olivia:

This little one is just so cute and so loved already.  Welcome to the world, Olivia!

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