The weather is so beautiful out these days. It's warm and sunny, but no unbearable with scorching summer temps and humidity yet. I'm sure that's coming, but for now, I'm thankful it's not here yet! Can you tell Summer is my least favorite season? Many think that makes me crazy. Little do they know that it's many other things that make me crazy!
Peter and I went to Brush Creek for a little bit yesterday afternoon.
We reminisced about coming here while at Geneva. We'd get lunch from the Brig and head out here when it was nice out. I also laughed while thinking about times spent here with friends in high school.
I loved that it was chilly enough for a sweater still!
We ventured around the area with the covered bridge. I saw a great blue heron and wanted to take a few pictures, but it flew overhead and hid. Oh well!

Driving around Beaver County is always fun for me. I love the more open space and farmland. So refreshing!

After Brush Creek, we met up with Ben and Kelly at Sal's for dinner. We haven't been there in years. My first "unofficial" date with Peter was at Sal's. More fun memories from old familiar places. After dinner, we went back to Ben and Kelly's place and played ladderball. Or hillybill golf as some may call it. Such a nice day to get out, see friends, and have fun. A welcomed break from the craziness of life. :)